Global PM days – 27.-28.NOV. – 2 dni prednášok od odborníkov z IPMA
Global PM days je podujatie, ktoré každoročne organizuje IPMA Young Crew.
Počas dvoch dní sa odborníci z praxe zdieľajú na rôzne témy súvisiace s hlavným headlineom konferencie.
Na tento rok je to Self-management a Self-reflection.
Podujatie sa koná online.
Niektoré z tém, na ktoré sa môžte tešiť:
Doug Strycharczyk, United Kingdom
CEO of AQR International
Topic: 《Mental toughness》
Alexandra Chapman, Australia
CEO of Totally Optimised Projects, Chief Evangelist
Topic: 《Why Outcomes Thinking is the key to becoming a high-performing Project Manager》
Prof. Shilpa Vohra, India
Director of Narind Finvest, Industry readiness & Behavioural Trainer
Topic: 《Unshakeable Confidence – A Professional Mindset》
Yvonne Schoper, Germany
IPMA, Vice president Membership & Young Crew
Topic: 《Resilience – an important competence for self-reflection and self-management》
Muriel Kosovsky, United Kingdom
Coach (ACC), CEO and Podcast host of „The Highly Sensitive Leader Podcast“
Topic: 《Building self-confidence as a Highly sensitive project manager》
Laura Zhou, China
Professional Service Director at Incadea China
Topic: 《 Setting meaningful and authentic individual goals》
Prof. Raphael Albergarias, Brasil
President of International Institute of Education
Topic: 《The BANI scenario and the New Generations in PM – How to deliver a project in a Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, Incomprehensible scenario?》
Srinivasa Rao Eluri, India
Director Product Development at Incadea
Topic: 《Sandhichu – Achieve》
Soheila Tadayyoni, United Kingdom
Process manager in Bosch Foreign Trade Operations UK, Robert Bosch Ltd
Topic: 《 What if I fail? 》
Za Slovensko vystúpi Marek Demčák s prednáškou na tému: Self-management through Self-refection.
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